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Hi, I'm Tom.

I’m the founder of The Better Man.


When I lost 60 kg and 12 pants sizes in 13 monthsI discovered the secret weapon to weight loss I’m now using to help guys melt away absurd amounts of fat in record time!


But first, let’s rewind for a second…


10 years ago, I was not a fit guy…

Quite the opposite actually.


Growing up I wasn’t just fat, I was technically “Obese”.


Weighing over 140 kg at 18, you can probably imagine how crap I felt about myself.


For the first 20yrs of my life I never swam without a shirt, because I was too embarrassed for people to see how I looked, even my own family.


Having struggled with weight my entire life, I know all too well how it feels continuously trying to get in shape, and feeling like you aren’t making any progress.


Just like me, you might have found yourself motivated to change more than once, only to find yourself hitting a dead end - leaving you feeling more and more discouraged...


But, as someone who has been in your shoes, I’m about to be brutally honest here…


No one is fat by accident.


It’s a series of choices which create that reality…


I know, because I made those same shitty choices haha…


The good news though, is that the same is true for creating the body of your dreams.


All it takes is a decision and a commitment, to not give up on yourself.


Trust me, with the right guidance it's amazing what can happen in 12 months.

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"Before meeting Tom, I avoided facing my weight issues. But his weight loss journey motivated me to take the first step, and I've been able to stay consistent which is something I've never been able to do on my own. With his coaching, I was able to lose 13kg in just 11 days, and I'm now the lightest I've been in 7 years, leaving me feeling hopeful about my transformation."
- Shayden Ismat

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"17 months ago, a weight loss surgeon told me I couldn't get below 240lbs even WITH going through weight loss surgery. This past weekend I got below 230lbs WITHOUT surgery. I'm still a work in progress with more to do, but damn does this feel good! Big thank you to Tom for the support, direction, and guidance along the way."
- Matthew Stanley

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"Tom is a monster! Dude has helped me so much with weight-loss. Since we started working together I’ve managed to drop 20kg in a couple of months while building heaps of muscle! I’m so pumped about being on track to hitting my goal of getting my weight down to double digits! Forever grateful."
- Taylor Johnston

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I do things a little differently.

That's because I know from first hand experience that cookie cutter programs and restrictive meal plans suck harder than a Dyson...

So instead, we'll focus on:

  • Individualised Training Programs: Tailored online training regimens, and comprehensive guidance with the flexibility of remote workouts, ensuring optimal results and convenience for you.

  • Personalised Nutrition Coaching: Extensive support with your nutrition, enabling you to make sustainable and effective dietary choices that align with your fitness goals.

  • Unlimited Support: Ongoing assistance provided, ensuring continuous motivation, accountability, and guidance, fostering a complete approach to achieving your fitness milestones.

  • Custom Periodised Programs: Strategically designed exercise routines to prevent performance plateaus and promote continuous progress, keeping you challenged and engaged throughout your fitness journey.

  • Monitoring Progressive Overload: Utilising a personalised app as a comprehensive tool for monitoring progressive overload, enabling real-time tracking of workout intensity, volume, and recovery, providing insights into your progress and performance trends.

  • Tailored Accountability Measures: Individualised tracking systems and progress monitoring, keeping you on track and remaining committed to your fitness objectives.

  • Strategies for Sustainable Results: Incorporating specialised techniques to ensure lasting outcomes, focusing on long-term habits and lifestyle adjustments to sustain progress and maintain achievements.

  • Problem Preparation Planning: Proactive guidance on how to anticipate and prepare for challenges that may arise, equipping you with effective strategies to navigate obstacles and maintain momentum towards your fitness goals.

  • Mindset Mastery for Success: Implementing effective psychological techniques to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset, empowering you to overcome mental barriers and achieve success with confidence and determination.

  • Results through Education and Knowledge: Equipping you with the necessary education and knowledge to make informed decisions about your health and fitness, empowering you to take ownership of your fitness and achieve sustainable results independently.

  • Fostering Brotherhood through Teamwork: Unlike other trainers and coaches, I didn't inherit fitness; it was a product of sheer determination. This means I have a genuine understanding of  the challenges. So, my advice isn't regurgitated from a textbook, but a result of practical solutions that have proven effective for both myself and the men I've helped before you.

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"I am so happy with the results I am getting.
I started this journey unsure if I would be able to stick with it, but with Tom’s help and motivation I’ve stuck with it and have already lost 34kg. I have no intentions of ever quitting."

- Torin Herndon

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"12 months ago, two different doctors told me that I wouldn't live past 40 due to a rare heart condition. Devastated, I decided to get in shape and make the most of the time I had left. I'm now in the best shape of my life, and have stunned doctors who gave me the all-clear, telling me that I can live a full and healthy life. Tom, you've literally saved my life. Thank you."
- Daniel Popovic

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"I want to give a big shout out to Tom.
He has helped me get off my ass and into the gym. Within two weeks, I’m already feeling great and noticing significant improvements in my health and appearance. I can't wait to see my full transformation at the end."

- James Miles

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After years of yo-yo dieting, dropping 15 - 20kg multiple times, I realised the issue wasn’t just losing weight….


By now I knew the how, but I couldn’t make it stick!

Luckily, I was finally mature enough to admit that I didn’t have to be an expert at everything to succeed.


Think about it for a second… If your house is on fire, you’re not hitting up Google with a “how to stop a house fire,” are you?


And if you snapped your leg in half, you’re not searching “how to DIY a broken leg fix,” right? You’re off to the hospital!


What if your car’s got a blown head gasket? Sure, you could spend a weekend in the garage watching YouTube, but what if it keeps conking out every time you fix it? Maybe it’s time to admit you’re not as skilled as you thought and head to a real mechanic?


You’re probably catching my drift now…


If you've got a problem you just can’t crack, or don’t even know where to start, drop the ego and ask for a hand.


My top tip? Don’t ask a mechanic how to heal a broken leg, or a nurse how to tinker with an engine… Find someone who’s tackled your exact issue and has a killer success record.


Lucky for you, I’ve put in years of research, trial, and error to find out what actually works and HOW TO MAKE THE RESULTS LAST!


It's said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result..


So sure, you can keep trying to go it alone and see if anything changes, or you can…

Drop your details below and I'll be in touch.

Thanks for submitting!

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Some people spend their entire lives dreaming and wondering what their life COULD be like, only to go back to the same way of thinking and behaving that got them where they are…


Don’t be one of those guys. 


I’m 1000% confident that I can help you,

if you give me a chance.


If you’re still skeptical, you’re a lost cause…. JOKING!


Okay, look. 


I’ll give you a freebee (don’t tell anyone)...

Give me a call, or shoot me a message so we can just have a chat and I’ll give you some pointers, and maybe if you’re lucky I’ll throw in a free program to get you started.


There’s no “catch” to this offer.


No shenanigans of any kind (pinky promise).


You won’t regret it.

Here's my private number.

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